
General enquiries

For general enquiries, if you want to know more about NEIF, have any questions about what we can do for you, or have feedback about the site, please email Dr Adele Gardner or use the contact form below.

Personal Information

Feedback and complaints

Please get in touch if you would like to submit an idea or comment for NEIF, and we would be interested to hear from you if there is a specific technique or science avenue NEIF should pursue. Feedback can be submitted using the contact form above or via the NEIF user survey. Formal feedback or complaints can be submitted to NEIF via the user survey, by contacting the chair of the relevant reviewer panel, or by contacting Dr Adele Gardner.

For project enquiries and prior to submitting a NEIF application for analytical work, please contact the relevant laboratory lead using the details provided below.

Stable isotopes and organic compounds

  • Prof Melanie Leng (BGS) Stable isotope analysis (C, H ,N ,O ,S ,Si) in a full range of geological materials from gases to rocks and minerals formed in recent to deep time across palaeoclimate, environmental change, pollution tracing, the Anthropocene, and archaeology research
  • Dr Jason Newton (SUERC) Stable isotope analysis (C, N, S, H, O) of animal tissues
  • Dr Laura Hepburn (SUERC) High-temperature isotope (S, O, H) tracers in mineral research
  • Dr Ian Bull (University of Bristol) compound-specific organic and stable isotope analyses in atmospheric gases to high molecular weight biological and geological polymers

Radiogenic isotopes

  • Dr Dan Condon (BGS) High precision and high-spatial resolution geochronology for a range of decay schemes (e.g. U-Pb, Th-Pb, U-Th, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf). High-precision, high spatial resolution, and high throughput tracer isotopes (C, O, H, N, S, Si, Pb, Nd, Hf, Pb, U)
  • Dr Dan Barfod (SUERC) High-precision geochronology (Ar/Ar)
  • Dr Derek Fabel (SUERC) Cosmogenic isotope dating (10Be, 26Al, 36Cl)
  • Dr David Chivall (University of Oxford) Radiocarbon dating and archaeology
  • Dr Philippa Ascough (SUERC) Radiocarbon dating and stable isotopes in environmental systems